Following yesterday's update to Rule 7 and Rule 9, we have tweaked them both a bit more - to take into account some constructive feedback and thoughts we've had on the matter. Thanks to the people who have been helping us get these right rather than just ranting at us! Particularly our thanks to Strider. We believe the latest revision is still just as good at protecting our users, which is very important to us, but is also less restrictive (which is also important to us!). Please take the time to re-read both rules and make sure you fully understand them. Thanks.
Of course, having said all that we should remind everyone that downloading third party RuneScape programs is potentially extremely dangerous and still not at all recommended. Please be aware that there are programs out there which claim to be a cool RuneScape add-on, but actually install a keylogger on your computer and steal your password! You should also be aware that there are such programs around that won't necessarily be spotted by your anti-virus software. Scanning downloads is, of course, a very good idea but it still doesn't 100% eliminate the risk.
Ferrari289 Gewist lid | Hier een reactie van Swiftswitch: After the latest update Jagex have made to their official RuneScape rules 7 and 9, SwiftSwitch will once again be legal. I say will because there are ![]() Everyone can expect an update out sometime this weekend. Till then you are free to use the current SwiftSwitch as it has been made clear to me that no one is in danger of getting banned, nor has anyone been banned directly for using SwiftSwitch. I want to thank everyone for showing an overwhelming amount of support. I was stoked to see just how much support everyone was giving, it definitely makes my job alot easier. Also a big thanks to Jagex, they could of easily left things the way they were and SwiftSwitch could still be banned. Instead they have been very responsive to the communities outcry and come up with a way achieve what they originally set out to do with the rule changes but still allow decent, rule abiding World Switchers/Toolkits like SwiftSwitch to remain. Ik ben blij dat het weer legaal is! Lekker normaal verder kunnen gaan ![]() 3-1-2007 17:02 | ||
Paulus55![]() Rune Member (6.9) | Lees op rant forum apen: At the moment most of the clients out there (including ss) are still against the rules and NOT ok to use - as they are still endangering users or encouraging rule breaking in some way. 3-1-2007 17:17 | ||
Ijmuide 222![]() Inactief | Jep Paula, dat had Mod Andrew in een edit erbij gezet. Maar dit staat er ook bij: "However, we`ve now improved the rules so if the authors fix their client to be safe, it will not be against the rules to use after they have done that. Some of the authors have already indicated they will be doing so over the weekend." Alleen snap ik niet waarom dit in het Clan News staat. Nou ja, voor mij maakt het allemaal niets uit. Sinds ClanScape het niet meer doet speel ik RuneScape alleen nog maar op de RuneScape Client. 3-1-2007 17:29 | ||
Ck Bond Gewist lid | Woot eindelijk.Goed zo fagex ![]() 3-1-2007 17:36 | ||
Death Sleepy Gewist lid | yay! weer ss! ![]() ons protest was grappig de mods iedereen proberen te kalmeren ![]() 3-1-2007 17:38 | ||
Rotterdam1 Gewist lid | 3-1-2007 21:59 | ||
Jostiepower Inactief | uhm..mag ss nu dus wel weer? vat er geen hol van ![]() maarja wel chill als het weer mag 3-1-2007 23:33 | ||
Nickalicious Gewist lid | Was het illegaal dan? ![]() 4-1-2007 08:36 | ||
Nilfalath22 Gewist lid | enkele leuke quotes van de mods: - theyre just exersising fingers ![]() howlin1- there is a thread in the rants FUMR go there t give a out bount 4-1-2007 08:56 | ||
Deskjet9300![]() Inactief | Oke mensen, laat de nieuwe meningen maar komen nu SS weer legaal is ![]() ![]() 4-1-2007 09:52 | ||
Paulus55![]() Rune Member (6.9) | Jagex heeft nu eigenlijk een grove fout gemaakt. Ze bewijzen dat het helpt als je op een plein staat te krijsen zonder dat er serieus gepraat word? De volgende keer denken ze dat het nog een keer lukt. 4-1-2007 10:12 | ||
Jules Inactief | Jammer, hierdoor was het wat rustiger op RS ![]() ![]() 4-1-2007 17:51 |